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Become A


Interested in becoming a Member of

Christ Community Church of Clyde? Keep scrolling to find out how!


Any Christian, of any Denomination, is more than welcome in our old wooden pews!


Let us know!

  • Make your desire to become a Member known to the Pastor or Elders.


Are you a good fit?

  • Attend a "Membership Interview"


Have you already been Baptized?

  • If so, where and when? If not, what are you waiting for?


After the "Membership Interview"

  • The Elders can choose to nominate you for Membership.


Then what?

  • If the Elders nominate you for Membership, you'll be able to attend a "Membership Class" to learn more about us!


What's in the Class?

  • At the Membership Class, you'll be able to agree with our Church Covenant.


Anything else?

  • Agreement with our "Tenets of Faith" is a necessary condition of becoming a Member.


If you're interested, take the first step!


27 West Genesee St

Clyde, NY 14433

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