Christ Community
Become A
Interested in becoming a Member of
Christ Community Church of Clyde? Keep scrolling to find out how!

Any Christian, of any Denomination, is more than welcome in our old wooden pews!
Let us know!
Make your desire to become a Member known to the Pastor or Elders.
Are you a good fit?
Attend a "Membership Interview"
Have you already been Baptized?
If so, where and when? If not, what are you waiting for?
After the "Membership Interview"
The Elders can choose to nominate you for Membership.
Then what?
If the Elders nominate you for Membership, you'll be able to attend a "Membership Class" to learn more about us!
What's in the Class?
At the Membership Class, you'll be able to agree with our Church Covenant.
Anything else?
Agreement with our "Tenets of Faith" is a necessary condition of becoming a Member.